工党(英国主要政党之一,传统上代表劳动人民的利益) one of the main British political parties, on the political left, that has traditionally represented the interests of working people
The Labour Party and the teaching unions condemned the idea. 工党与教师联合会均谴责这一主张。
The group broke away from the Labour Party in 1932. 这个团体在1932年脱离工党。
I would certainly dismiss any allegations of impropriety by the Labour Party 对于工党指责我行为不正当,我当然不会理会。
This process is, in no sense, a divorce between the Labour Party and the trade union movement. 这个进程绝不是工党和工会运动相脱离。
Enough people voted for the Labour Party to give the Conservatives a drubbing. 有足够的人投票给工党,使之轻易战胜了保守党。
The Independent Labour Party was founded in Bradford on January 13, 1893 独立工党1893年1月13日在布拉德福德成立。
A BBC poll gave the Labour Party a 12 per cent lead 英国广播公司的一项民意调查预计工党将领先12个百分点。
The Labour Party has not made the issue a high priority 工党尚未将该问题列为优先考虑的事项。
He's been a keen supporter of the Labour Party all his life 他一生都是工党的热情拥护者。
Her membership of the Labour Party has lapsed 她已不再是工党党员。
The Labour Party has moved to the right and become like your Democrat Party 工党已右倾化了,变得像你们民主党。
The seat was a stronghold of the Labour party. 这个选区是工党的大本营。
The Labour Party was growing increasingly sure-footed. 工党的信心日益增强。
The Labour Party had just won a general election with an overwhelming majority. 工党刚刚以绝对多数赢得了大选。
What is the labour party's policy on immigration? 工党在移民问题上的政策是怎样的?
The Labour Party rejected churchill's offer of a bipartisan reform. 工党拒绝了丘吉尔两党合作进行改革的提议。
Uncoupling the Labour Party from the unions was always going to be a difficult, painful process. 把工党和工会分开总会是困难痛苦的过程。
We both joined the labour party. 我俩都参加了工党。
Their break with the Labour Party in1968. 他们在1968年与工党的决裂。
They have found many kindred spirits in the labour party. 他们在工党中发现了不少志趣相投的人。
He joined the labour party when he left the university. 他离开大学后加入了工党。
Meanwhile, the Labour government has steadily been increasing taxation to pay for welfare and public services. 与此同时,英国工党(labourparty)政府一直在稳步提高税收,用以支付福利与公共服务开支。
The Scottish Labour Party will appoint a committee from among its own members. 苏格兰工党将从自己的党员中任命一个委员会。
He has joined himself to the labour party. 他已加入了工党。
It was a crushing result for the labour party. 这对工党来说是一个毁灭性的结果。
The labour party wants to raise taxes, and this is where we differ from them. 工党想提高税收,这是我们与他们不同之处。
To my surprise, delight, annoyance, etc the labour party win the election. 工党在选举中获胜,真让我吃惊、高兴、烦恼等。
The vote split the Labour Party. 那次选举使工党分裂了。
I hope the Labour Party and other parties will contribute. 我希望工党和其他政党也将做出贡献。